Changes to my study programme
In the career so far there are many subjects that I like very much, however, I think that the first two years are too general plan subjects so do not take much advantage. Now in my third year there are subjects that I think have much more relevance in the race and that's why they are more to my taste, although obviously there is a bouquet that I do not like very much and that's why I find it more difficult to study it. I think a change that could be made in the curriculum of the race is to modify the general plan, where it should be shortened more and put more specific issues of the race from long before (second year for example) The academic load in the career is too much and I think it's not good because you do not have real learning, it's just a short-term learning so it's not beneficial and it only causes you more stress.That would be another thing that would change, in weeks of tests A1 and A2, eliminate all kinds of other evaluations as controls, so tha...